Here are my tips to help you through your third trimester.

· Exercise, Stretch & Breathe!

o Walk, move, yoga, swim. Labour is hard work so be sure your body is ready and strong!

o Exercise also helps to reduce swelling and prevent injury

o Exercise will also help you to bounce back after delivery

o Stretching will help your hips to open and keep them open and loose during delivery

§ *be cautious to not overstretch as hormones during this time make that easy to do

o Practice slow controlled breathing. This will help prepare you to breath during contractions as well as to have a slow and controlled breath when it is time to push

o Do kegels daily. This helps tone your pelvic floor and keep it strong for when you are ready to push. A strong pelvic floor helps you recover from birth faster.

o Cat/Cows and child’s pose should be done daily.

o Figure 4 stretch – do this seated (modified pigeon pose) or on your back

o Psoas/Hip flexor stretch

o Make figure eights with your hips. This aids in opening the pelvis and mobilizing the joints/ligaments/muscles. This is also a great position to labour in!

· See your chiropractor regularly!

o This will improve any back discomfort as well as align pelvic joints and ligaments to help baby get in best position for birth and also to improve pelvic joint mobility for birthing.

o Ideally you would see your chiropractor before pregnancy. The third trimester visits should increase to once a week or more to maintain good pelvic alignment.

§ *try to find a chiropractor who is Webster Certified

· Take a Birthing class

o Birthing classes help to prepare you for the “unknown of birth”

o Natural birthing classes as well, as the classes at your hospital or birth center, are helpful to learn about the policies, procedures and expectations of the facility and your provider so when baby is ready you know what to expect.

§ *some natural birthing classes are 12 weeks long. Make sure to start those a little before your third trimester

· Maintain Good Posture

o Sit upright with knees below hips and a nice arch in your lumbar spine. Your belly should always be forward and lower than your hips. This helps the baby to get in the Occiput Anterior position (baby facing your spine) which is ideal for vaginal delivery.

o Sit on exercise/yoga ball. Bounce gently on the ball and do pelvic tilts.

o Lie on your side at night with a pillow between your knees and in between arms. You can switch sides to decrease pressure on your hips and shoulders.

o Don’t sit straight up from lying on your back. Always roll to your side and use arms to help you up. This will help to prevent diastasis recti (splitting of your abdominal muscles).

· Use tips from the SpinningBabies Website

o The website has an abundance of information about learning to map your baby’s position, as well as daily tips and stretches that allow for a more comfortable pregnancy and an easier delivery. The website also has tips and exercises that will help get baby in the ideal position for delivery.

· Maintain a Healthy Diet and take your Vitamins

o Eat a high protein diet. At least seventy grams of protein a day is recommended. High protein helps baby development as well as helps to keep your water bag strong and in tact until the end of delivery.

o Take probiotics in 3rd trimester to improve your gut flora that you will pass on to baby. This lowers baby’s risk of developing asthma, allergies and gut issues. Probiotics and garlic have also show to decrease the likelihood you will have GBS at the time of delivery.

o Take omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) as the good fats are great for baby’s brain development and for moms blood flow. 1000mg/day is recommended.

o Drink a LOT of water. 2.5 liters is ideal. This will help reduce swelling and keep your fluid levels within normal range.

o Drink Red Raspberry Leaf tea to help strengthen and tone the uterus. Drink 3-4 cups daily.

o Continue to take your prenatal vitamins daily

· Let baby come when baby is ready

o Third trimester can be long and tiring. It is easy to wish baby was here already especially those last few weeks. Give baby time to come when he/she is ready. Allowing baby to come on their own time makes your body and baby both ready which will decrease the need for interventions and shorten labour times.

Copyright © 2022 Dr. Alayna Pagnani. All right reserved.

Copyright © 2022 Dr. Alayna Pagnani. All right reserved.